Will, Attorney at Bass, Berry & Sims
“I love connecting with students on their terms via the Backrs platform. Being able to quickly check for updates from those whose panels I’m on and respond easily to their posts makes the process of offering support so much simpler for everyone. I also love providing context to any struggles students I back are going through by sharing how I’ve dealt with similar issues in the past.”
Yasmin, Project Manager at Slingshot Memphis
"I would recommend Backers for other busy professionals as a way to give back because it allows you to communicate with your protege on your own timeline. You can share posts, you can share resources that they may be in need of, um, like while you're commuting on the train to work or while you're in the waiting room at the doctor's office."
Will McCullough, Deloitte
“The platform makes it super simple to stay in contact with your protégé, and while I enjoy the ease of it, the program also offers live meet-ups on a recurring basis as well that allows face to face interaction with your protégé. Ultimately, being able to interact with different individuals from varying backgrounds all with the same goal of success in life has been my favorite part of this program. I have learned as much about myself as I have my protégé during my time as a Backr and I would encourage anybody looking for a volunteering opportunity to take a look at Backrs.”
Erin, Educator at Memphis Rise Academy
“My protege has consistently exemplified the passion, drive, and talent present in our young adults. Being her Backr has given me a sense of optimism and joy for the future. I feel proud of my protege and grateful to the Backrs community for the connections it fosters.”