McK ATL + Backrs

Too often, gaps in social and financial capital keep talented Atlanta area students from fulfilling careers. With the Backrs social platform, you can leverage your unique assets to bridge those gaps. In under 10 mins a week. All online.

Empower students anywhere, anytime.

The Atlanta area students on our platform need advice, connections, and opportunity. Backrs offers tons of convenient ways you can share these things with them. How do you want to engage?

Your connection is your impact.

According to research out of Harvard University, cross-class relationships are the biggest predictors of social mobility in the U.S. Problem is: Our nation’s so economically segregated, they’re hard to come by.

We built the Backrs app change that. By leveraging the connective power of social media, Backrs brings young people who need social capital together with adults who can share it.

Giving back with Backrs is a two-way street.

With Backrs, you can help young people build the social capital they need to realize their potential. Young people can introduce you to new perspectives. And everyone has the chance to grow. Take it from professionals already on our app:

Our ATL area students are aspiring high.

100% of the students on our platform are high-performing, under-resourced, eager for your support, and committed to making the most of it. Meet some of these amazing young people.

Backing in Action

Being a great backr isn’t about grand gestures or having all the answers. It’s about the small things: sharing a word of encouragement. Passing along a helpful resource. Making an introduction. Here are some examples of the great backing happening every day on our platform:

We’re backing students across Georgia:

…and we’d love to recruit more!

If you have ideas for high-schools, universities, youth-oriented nonprofits, employers, or foundations that might be interested in joining our community, contact us.