Fast facts: 8 things you should know about Gen Z

If you’re like most folks, you’ve heard of Gen Z but probably don’t know much about them. And what you know, well, it may not be an accurate depiction. At Backrs, we use virtual mentoring to support young people who make up this sometimes misunderstood generation. 

We know Gen Z. Through our purpose-driven workshops with proteges, we’ve learned their career aspirations, what motivates them, and how they view the world. We know they are bright, thoughtful, and have a lot of insight to share.

Whether you’re a parent who wants to better understand your child, a backr seeking to engage a protege, or an employer hoping to create an inviting workplace, a general understanding of Generation Z will go a long way to enhancing communication and strengthening relationships.

Here are some facts you may not know about Gen Z.

1. Gen Z is the “digital first” generation.

Gen Z includes young people born between 1997 and 2012 and between 10 to 25. Also known as “zoomers” they were the first to grow up with technology readily at their fingertips. Unlike members of prior generations (Millennials, Gen-Xers, or Boomers), members of Gen Z were comfortable using a cell phone or a tablet almost from birth. They are as comfortable creating friendships and community online as they are IRL (in real life).

2. They make informed decisions aligned with their values.

Because Gen Z grew up online with access to social networks, its members learned early on how to make informed choices. Since this is a generation of shrewd consumers, Gen Z scopes out the best options and conducts research before making a decision; whether shopping for clothing or choosing a college. And the choices it makes usually align with its values. It also uses its digital mastery to support companies and organizations that share its beliefs.

3. The cost-of-living is Gen Z’s greatest concern.

According to a survey from Deloitte released in early 2022, 46% of Gen Zers surveyed said they are living paycheck-to-paycheck and aren’t able to cover expenses. For Gen Z, the cost of living (housing, transportation, bills) is its greatest concern. More than a quarter of Gen Z believe retiring comfortably will be out of reach. This is quite different from previous generations, which reportedly are more likely to be gainfully employed (about 76% of Baby Boomers and Gen X, and 77% of Millennials versus 42% of Gen Z).

4. They’re hard workers.

Gen Z often gets a bad rap with assumptions it is not resilient enough or that it doesn’t want to work. In reality, 43% of those surveyed said they have a second job — in addition to their primary job. Growing up in the midst of a financial crisis is at the heart of this group's search for stability. It’s no surprise then that Gen Z prefers regular full-time employment rather than part-time or freelance work.

While its members are willing to take on multiple jobs to make ends meet, Gen Z is idealistic when choosing employers, seeking to work for companies with similar values. Gen Z wants to work where work-life balance, job growth, and professional development are priorities. The high expectations it has for employers is changing the world of work and improving the workplace for everyone. 

5. They expect flexibility and work-life balance in the workplace.

The global pandemic changed how and where work happened. And Gen Z preferred the flexibility to work from home, according to Deloitte. Remote work or hybrid-work situations allowed Gen Z to save money on items such as, transportation, clothing, and dry cleaning. Those increased savings benefitted the bottom line, keeping costs low — and as we already shared, this is very important to this group. Because remote work could be done from nearly any location, during the pandemic, many members of Gen Z chose to relocate to less expensive cities. 

Another reason Gen Z prefers a flexible workplace is that it offers better work-life balance. This is critical to Gen Z, particularly in its pursuit of self care and improved mental health. Nearly 50 percent of Gen Z report feeling stressed or anxious all or most of the time. Work stress and burnout may make it harder for employers to retain Gen Z unless they make substantive changes in the workplace.

6. They seek the truth.

Also known as “True Gen,” Gen Z doesn’t feel the need to fit into one category or stereotype. In the search for authenticity, members say they are finding the freedom to express themselves. As a result, Gen Z is more open to understanding and accepting differences among people, according to a survey from McKinsey. At its heart, Gen Z seeks the truth. Young people in Gen Z want to understand themselves, while acknowledging others who may be different. This makes Gen Z more realistic and pragmatic than prior generations.

7. They want to create dialogue, not strife.

Because Gen Z is more willing to accept others, regardless of their differences, its members believe they can interact with others, who may not share similar beliefs, without losing sight of who they are as individuals. Regardless of Political or religious beliefs — or any other personal choices, they are open to creating dialog. As a result, Gen Z believes change comes from open discussion and not from breaking the system, as prior generations (Millennials, Gen X and Baby Boomers) have asserted.

8. They care about the environment.

Gen Z does what it can to try and improve the environment, from recycling to shopping locally, upcycling to eating organic food. And 75% of Gen Z think the world is at a tipping point in its response to global climate change. While Gen Z does what it can to make a difference, it doesn’t believe companies (15%) or the government (11%) are committed to combating or tackling climate change. 

When you know more about Gen Z, it becomes clear that its members are hard working, determined, and ready to chart their own path. At Backrs, we support proteges, who are members of Gen Z, and who are striving to achieve holistic goals related to wellness, career, education, and personal interests. The minute you sign up with Backrs, you begin making a difference in a students’ life. Learn how you can begin backing a protege today! 

Learn more about Gen Z! Back a protege today and help a future leader accomplish their goals!