Meet the social platform for social mobility.

Help high-performing, under-resourced students build their networks; connect with other accomplished professionals who are doing the same.

Volunteer to build connections.

According to research out of Harvard University, cross-class relationships are the biggest predictors of social mobility in the U.S. Problem is: Our nation’s so economically segregated, they’re hard to come by.

Our social platform is changing that. Volunteer 10 mins of your time a week to log in and connect with under-resourced students, and you can help them build the social capital they need to flourish.

Giving back with Backrs is a two-way street.

With Backrs, you can help young people build the social capital they need to realize their potential. Young people can introduce you to new perspectives. And everyone has the chance to grow. Take it from professionals already on our platform:

Best way to see how easy and rewarding it is to join our platform as a volunteer backr? Give it a try, commitment-free.

Empower students anytime, anywhere.

Our students have talent, drive, and ambition. What they need is advice, connections, and opportunity. Backrs offers many convenient ways you can share these things with them. How do you want to engage?

Make a difference in minutes.

Kaothara is a junior at Amherst college who aims to become a software engineer. Learn how the professionals she’s connected with through Backrs are championing her aspirations and why the diverse community on our platform is important to her.

Our proteges are aspiring high.

Hand-picked by our school and youth org partners, 100% of our proteges are high-performing, under-resourced students who are committed to making the most of the support they receive. Get to know some of them; we guarantee you’ll be inspired:

Backing in Action

Being a great backr isn’t about grand gestures or having all the answers. It’s about the small things: sharing a word of encouragement. Passing along a helpful resource. Making an introduction. Here are some examples of the great backing happening every day on our platform: